Dr. Pete Bettinger
Professor of Harvest Scheduling and Forest Landscape Planning, Hargreaves Professor
Personal Email: pbettinger@warnell.uga.edu
Website: Bio
Dr. Bronson Bullock
Associate Professor Forest Biometrics & Quantitative Timber Management
Work Email: BronsonBullock@uga.edu
Website: Bio
Dr. Chris J. Cieszewski
Professor of Fiber Supply Assessment
Personal Email: biomat@warnell.uga.edu
Website: Fiber Supple Assesment
Website: Bio
Dr. Dale Greene
Dean, Warnell School of Forestry & Natural Resources & Professor of Forest Harvesting
Personal Email: greene@warnell.uga.edu
Website: Bio
Mr. Bob Izlar
Langdale Center for Forest Business
Dr. Mike Kane
Professor of Quantitative Silviculture
Personal Email: mkane@warnell.uga.edu
Website: Bio
Website: Plantation Management Research Cooperative
Dr. Yanshu Li
Assistant Professor of Forest Economics and Taxation
Personal Email: Yanshu.li@uga.edu
Dr. Richard (Bin) Mei
Associate Professor of Forest Finance, Hargreaves Professor
Personal Email: bmei@uga.edu
Website: Bio
Mr. Joe Parsons
Associate Director
Langdale Center of Forest Business
Work Phone: 706-389-8424
Personal Email: joseph.parsons@uga.edu
Dr. Jacek Siry
Professor of Forest Economics, Stuckey Professor
Personal Email: jsiry@warnell.uga.edu
Website: Bio