Recently, a group of Langdale CFB students traveled to Atlanta to attend Georgia Forestry Association’s “Forestry Day at the Capitol.” Governor Kemp and industry leaders from around the state gathered to discuss property taxes, market conditions, land use, and regulatory issues.
Among many of the issues discussed were the challenges faced by logging operators. Dr. Joe Conrad, Warnell’s professor of Forest Operations, was asked to speak addressing the challenges faced by trucking and logging companies. Dr. Conrad’s address focused the inconsistencies in weight limits for trucks on interstate and state roads. This forces log trucks to avoid interstates; therefore, they predominately use state roads which are more dangerous and less efficient. These issues have become increasingly important as strained markets have limited efficiency and returns.
In addition to GFA’s speakers and luncheon, Langdale Center students were able to sit in on a subcommittee meeting, network extensively, and hear keynote speaker Governor Kemp at the legislative reception.