Once again, thank you to everyone for making our recent conference such an overwhelming success. We thought we would provide a few updates so that everyone who attended would have all of the conference materials that they desired as well as a date and location for the next timberland investment conference in a little less than two years time.
Conference materials (including all attendees and presentations) have been mailed out to all of those participants who requested hard copies. If you didn’t notify us and would still like a hard copy on a disc, please email William VanDevender at wjvd@uga.edu in order to receive yours. As was previously announced, we have all of the materials available on the Center for Forest Business website for immediate download here. Due to the strong response to the online availability of the conference materials, we’ve decided to continue to make the materials available online through the summer. Please email wjvd@uga.edu for the password information if you would prefer to download the files immediately as opposed to waiting on a hard copy.
Lastly, we are pleased to announce that we have again secured the Ritz Carlton on Amelia Island as the venue for the 2015 Timberland Investment Conference. The dates of the conference will be February 18th-20th, 2015.
Thank you all for your support of our program here at the University of Georgia. We look forward to seeing everyone in a couple of years, if not before.