First off, welcome to the CFB Blog if you’re new to what we’re doing.
Our goal with the blog is to continually provide updates for the greater Warnell CFB community every couple of weeks as we have new information to share that we deem worthwhile reading for industry participants. Today, we would just like to point out a couple of links that you may find relevant to both staying connected with us (through our new LinkedIn group) as well as an update on the detailed report titled “Property Tax Incentives for the Georgia Landowner” – this report expands on the May 2005 revision to include an exhaustive treatment of all pertinent ad valorem taxation legislation, Department of Revenue rules and regulations and some court cases through the 2011 General Assembly legislative session.
All Georgia landowners have a real need to learn more about the property tax laws that affect their county ad valorem property taxes. If you own rural land in Georgia, live in a house whose property taxes have been affected by commercial or industrial development, or are growing timber for harvest or sale for harvest, it’s imperative that you learn more about property tax laws and how they affect you.
We hope you will connect with us on LinkedIn as well as peruse the property tax report for relevant information that may be applicable to you.
We invite you to connect with us on LinkedIn by accessing the following link: